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1:1 Support

I offer a wide variety of consultation and coaching services, specific to your child and family’s unique needs. 

Whether you're navigating the nuances of early language development, seeking guidance on cleft palate concerns, or preparing for the transition to school-based services, I'm here to be your go-to resource. My virtual consultations offer personalized support, practical strategies, and a listening ear—because every child's journey is unique, and you deserve tailored guidance every step of the way. I’ve helped thousands of families just like yours successfully nurture and navigate speech/language milestones and services.

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What Parents Are Saying...

After our consultation, I have been really focused on implementing your strategies. Already I've noticed a big drop in my son's tantrums because I feel like he feels I'm trying to connect and understand him more. He's been signing more and we already have two new words! It's been a week! Thank you for all your help. Crying tears of joy seeing my little guy communicate like this!
- Leslie, Mom of a 16 month old
It sounds dramatic, but you literally changed our life. We were feeling so defeated and dismissed. We've been on waitlists for therapy for months. After one consult, J is already using new words! He's up to 7 words in just a week! And, we feel like we are so much more tuned in and able to see what he's communicating. We are so grateful for your guidance.
- Sarah & Matt, First Time Parents
My toddler is a little over 2 now and she's freakin' rocking her language thanks to you! People are constantly shocked when they talk to her... the stuff she is able to say is crazy! It's all from what I learned and implemented with your help!
-Meghan, Toddler Mom
My son will be turning 2 next month. I knew he needed help wasn't sure where to start so I booked a 1:1 consult with Chelsea. It was very informative and gave me the confidence to start taking charge of my son's speech development right away.
Chelsea acknowledged my concerns, took the time to get to know where we were at on our journey with his talking. She gave us easy tools to use every day at home. In a matter of days, my son said a new word and was  communicating his needs more. He is already happier and more connected- so are we!
-Emily, Mom of a 23 month old
As new parents to a cleft affected child, we were overwhelmed. There was a huge amount of information we needed to learn and such a heightened level of emotion that came with it all. Having an SLP who had a deep understanding of our daughter's unique needs and a wonderful ability to connect helped us understand, advocate and ultimately, set our daughter up for success.
-Beth, Mom of 4
Another new word today!!! Totally mind blown- we just talked to you last week for the consult. It's incredible the strides she is making thanks to your help!
-Katie, First Time Mom


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